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German Wirehaired Pointers & Pudelpointers | EST. 1976

GWP Stud Dogs
CH. Ripsnorter’s Makin’ A Statement, CGC

"Huckleberry" was only the second black and white GWP to become a Champion. He won Award of Merit at the 2000 GWPCA National Specialty.He finished his championship with very limited showing winning Best of Breed over Specials and winning a Group 1st. He has been Top Producing Sire several years in the U.S. and the U.K. With frozen semen he continues to be a great contribution to our breed.
Frozen Semen Available to approved bitches.(deceased)
OFAHips-Good OFAElbows-Norm CERF-Norm
Thyroid-Norm OFA Cardiac-Norm
CH. RipsnorterNCladdagh Bring N’ Sexy Back, NA I, UT I
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